Let’s align our values, your needs and my skillset.

Fill out the quick form below to get your questions answered, connect about opportunities, and see if working together feels like the right fit for you right now.

I am currently accepting client inquiries, work opportunities, and requests for media outreach.

Wonder what it’s like to connect?

Set your curiosity and your nervous system up for success.

Saying hi and answering questions.

We’ll talk about what support you’re looking for, speak to any reservations you may have, and explore what’s coming up for you.

Low pressure and no obligation.

This is just a chat. You can decide at any time to move forward or not. I can also point you in the direction of resources and potential other avenues of support that may be the best for your current needs.

Flexible and neurodivergent friendly.

Think better when you write a long email? Prefer to send a voice memo? After you fill out the contact form, we can chat in whatever way feels most supportive to you.